
domenica, giugno 07, 2015

Security - violations of health data

What was called social security and welfare is now called, it has a security problem. Indeed he has two. But we focus on only one for reasons of space and specificity of the topic. The security is to leave out of the accounts, ie financial sustainability and therefore the effectiveness of the social pension system and health: demographic trends and employment are eroding the sustainability of the systems that are not insurance-type, that is mutual and capitalization ( where each has as paid). This then requires an intervention, as in the UK, by type of care for the most vulnerable, financed by general taxation.

But it is this confidence that we want to talk. But what concerns the database and transaction systems, as INPS-Inpdap, still separated in the house, to get insurance and local health authorities. IT security is becoming a central theme, of similar magnitude to that of financial sustainability. But there it is discussed, and then the people do not know.

In early February Anthem Inc, according to the health insurance company in the United States he denounced the theft of tens of millions of personal data from its database. The attack came after others that had occurred not only at the expense of large private companies, but also the Ministry of Health. In addition to the FBI investigation and the judiciary, this attack has imposed on Anthem choices onerous but necessary to assist customers and monitor the risks to which they were subjected. Today is the data of state employees Americans under hacker attack, which is suspected of having base in China. The admission by the government took place Tuesday, June 2 last year and is one of wider infringements of government data, including those of social security.

This happens two months later that the White House had to admit that the mail is not classified by the President had been violated by Russian hackers. The most recent case, that would see players Chinese hackers, it infringed the IT system of the Department of the Interior, whose data center is in sharing with federal agencies. In particular, it would be attacked the Office of Personnel Management, which deals with security permissions and data for federal employees. The discovery was made in April, but the match was probably the end of last year. The attack was aimed at the social security data and other personally identifiable information, but it is unclear whether it was done for espionage or for commercial reasons.

Senator Susan Collins, Republican of Main, and of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said this attack confirms the hypothesis that there is a foreign interest to the data identifying individuals and their security keys. It would have been used - according to the Washington Pos t- an unprecedented cyber tool "zero day" to violate the security of the system. The partnership with China has been questioned as risky by the Chinese embassy in Washington ..