
domenica, giugno 07, 2015


The Milan the 22 percent of Italian companies last year was the victim of cybercrime. Are micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, given that more than 95 percent of Italian companies has more than 10 employees. Worldwide 2014 was an "annus horribilis" for information security: over 12 months, in fact, the raids criminals have marked an increase of 258 percent. And, the set of accidents that resulted in economic losses and / or reputational businesses in 2014, 3 percent took place in Italy. It detects the latest "Global fraud survey" of Kroll, a leading global provider of "risk solutions" in information. In 12 months, the Italian companies have lost about 9 billion dollars due to fraudulent external interventions on their sensitive data. A figure that rises to $ 14.1 billion if you include losses derived from downtime of IT systems. Yet, in Italy, the perception of IT risks does not fall even among the 10 warmest dangers from companies, reveals "Allianz risk barometer 2015" (the survey conducted by the multinational insurance group on economic risks in the 47 countries most Hindu-ized) while, on the contrary, their perception, and step by step the consistency, global registers high levels of growth. Italy ranks only 15th place for protection policiesdata and only 10 percent of business is in step with the times in cyber defense. Although, in our country, the situation is far from rosy, as effectively described by the study "Gaining from digital information" on security, conducted by Trend Micro. According to this "paper" Italy is in fifth place in the world for botnets (that and say infected and remotely controlled) active, the third highest number of spam (unwanted email) sent, eighth for malware (software designed to induce damage to systems or users) for the financial sector and banking online, fourth for number of malicious App. The phenomenon of cybercrime, in fact, traveling at a speed greater than the development of awareness of users and also the same tools to fight "cybercrime". An example for all? The UNICRI (United nations interregional crime and justice research institute), in a study on the impact of crime on the economy and Italian SMEs, notes that, in our country, is not yet operational the National Cert. Ie the team of emergency response of a digital nature, the duty to monitor and manage incidents and help users restore activities, Interface Italian center of European command against "cybercrime". Now they have to forge ahead, in the public and private sectors. A system of SMEs - especially based on the economy of the districts - primary needs of security, because it is based on the interconnection between industries. Between Italian companies, especially small and active in the fields-pillar of Made in Italy, is traditionally widespread (and, often, is a decisive competitive strength also in international markets) process innovation or product of informal, unprotected ie by patents or other legal instruments. In areas highly creative innovation is objectively less defensible by patent and business sub suppliers are often forced to quickly adapt their production to the changing needs of the client. But the lack of legal protection puts even more at risk communication and exchange of experiences related to these innovative processes made-in-house. Finally, the demand for security comes from strong "fourth industrial revolution", the digitalization of production processes in so-called "intelligent factories". In Germany, where about four years ago has manifested this phenomenon, one of the problems immediately emerged was just what the system security. In times of innovation 4.0 protect new factories run by the chip and their huge amount of sensitive data from outside access has become a categorical imperative. And one of the most important challenges for a production system based on manufacturing. As in Germany. And in Italy. (L.pal.)