
lunedì, giugno 08, 2015

Cyberbullying, ok the Senate to the bill "Protecting the rights of children on the Internet"


The House of the Senate unanimously approved the bill against cyberbullying. Now the measure goes before the House. "You have chosen to intervene on this issue from the perspective of the protection of children, filling a legal gap and focusing on education," said the deputy chairman of the Senate Valeria Fedeli.

A phenomenon, that of cyberbullying, became more and more serious and more prevalent among children and adolescents, as pointed out in its dichiarazine voting Senator Pd Elena Ferrara, before signing the bill. "The perception of the phenomenon of cyberbullying - he said - has grown over time, in the face of the many episodes, sometimes tragic, they broke the news media. So has grown, among the many parties involved, the awareness of the need for standards to protection of the dignity and rights of minors in the network. As we left the Democratic Party from the many tragic stories to get to important standards which we shared with the other political forces, majority and minority, proving that politics knows assume their responsibilities. "
He added: "In the bill we have focused on education, prevention and concrete measures: we introduce the procedure of warning, as with stalking, in order to empower children ultraquattordicenni who were responsible for conduct involving cases of crime; it gives a quality label for companies that use child friendly configurations for devices and platforms, and collaborate with providers in a constructive manner also through self-regulatory codes; minors ultraquattordicenni may claim directly from the cancellation of harmful material and in case of rejection it is expected to appeal to the intervention of the Italian Privacy ".
"We also wanted to emphasize the principle of digital citizenship, without which the sense of freedom that gives us the Internet would be devoid of conscience and responsibility. That is the law establishing an interministerial table, for putting together institutions, associations, parents and students and companies new media, even the strong competence of the Postal Police. We want to help kids understand that the Internet is a place of humanity, even before the community. "